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Farm Valle del Sole

The farm is located in Lucca in northwest Tuscany and covers an area of 10 hectares planted with vineyards and olive groves in a valley where it is still possible to live on a human scale. Excellent area from a morphological point of view located between the Tyrrhenian coast and the Apuan Alps crossed by the Serchio river and the Freddana stream.

The climate has great variability depending on whether mountain or Mediterranean influence prevails. Winters are generally mild and springs early. The Apuan Alps influence the climate with abundant rainfall well distributed throughout the year. The Tyrrhenian Sea, on the other hand, gives this area an excellent amount of light so as to ensure good photosynthetic activity throughout the plant's growing cycle. It also provides good constant ventilation throughout the year, which allows a considerable daily temperature range.

The vineyards are spread over different types of soil: in the hilly part prevails the Tuscan macigno, consisting of clayey sandstones rich in minerals that give rise to red wines of good power and longevity. In the plains, the soils are sandy-loamy with an abundance of skeleton this is the area of excellence for the production of white wines of great longevity. The management of the vineyards is done by following organic production regulations by resorting to the use of biodynamic techniques. All this makes it possible to create a strong bond between man and the land that guarantees excellent soil fertility and product quality. 

This valley is very special for the cultivation of vines due to its proximity to the Tyrrhenian Sea, which ensures an excellent vegetative balance of the plant due to the amount of light and cool, constant ventilation, characterized by a significant temperature range between day and night. Decisive factors are the quality of the soil, the climate and the location of a beautiful hillside wedged between the sea and the mountains, and the use of biodynamic agriculture, which creates a link between man and the vineyard, maintaining fertile soil and quality of the products.

Family and history

Ours is the classic story of a farming family in the Lucchesi Hills. First sharecroppers, then small owners of land cultivated with different crops who starting in the 1990s enlarged the property with my father Renato, and then I arrived... Marco, owner of the farm since 2008, to turn the agricultural life of the Borselli family upside down.
Ours is an authentic lifestyle choice, we respect our origins, we hand down the craft of the vineyard, but above all we follow the rhythms of nature.

Renato has made this passion his own, condensing love for the land and emotions into the bottles. Marco has made his curiosity and creativity the driving force of his days, which are divided between vineyard and winery management, customer reception and sales.
Each generation carries within it the roots of the previous one, the values passed on, the experiences lived, the projects shared, but each person in this family has also been able to have a look towards the future, the ability to dream and the desire to write a page in the history of the Valle del sole farm. The generational transition is a gesture that is accompanied, constructed, never forced, a choice that matures consciously.
There will be more blank pages to write in the near future, perhaps our children will know how to continue the passion we pass on.

Farm Valle del Sole
by Borselli Marco
Via della Cappella Alta 864
Chapel - Lucca - Tuscany - Italy
VAT NUMBER 02125240461

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